December 2022

NPC published updated Clarification papers and guidelines

Updated versions of Clarification papers and guidelines for NPC Credit Transfer Scheme and NPC Instant Credit Transfer Scheme have now been published. These papers, which are updated from time to time, as required, provides guidance and, where feasible, recommendations to scheme participants on how to handle situations that are not described in the rulebooks.

The following Clarification papers and guidelines have been updated:

  • Clarification paper NPC Credit Transfer and NPC Instant Credit Transfer Scheme Rulebooks v.2.0
  • Clarification paper Guidance on the usage of Extended Remittance Information (ERI) v.2.0
  • Guidance On Reason Codes for NCT R-transaction v.2.0
  • Guidance On Reason Codes for NCT Inst R-transaction v.2.0

The updated versions (version 2.0) will take effect on May 1, 2023, for the NPC Credit Transfer Scheme and November 19, 2023, for the NPC Instant Credit Transfer Scheme.