All future participants of the NPC Schemes will be obliged to become a member of the NPC in order to use the schemes.
It will be the members of the NPC that work with the development of and decide on the NPC Schemes. Banks and payments institutions are now welcome to become members to the NPC in order to be part of the development and decision process of the NPC Schemes.
More details regarding the NPC are attached:
If you are interested in becoming a member of the NPC, a membership application (together with the detailed membership application form) will need to be filled out, signed and sent to:
Nordic Payments Council
PO Box 7603
SE-103 94 Stockholm
The NPC will need to have received the membership application two (2) weeks in advance to its Board meetings in order to be able to make decisions regarding the membership application. The NPC Board plan to meet on the following dates in 2024: